Page 27 - Paul Farrimond: Jamaica- Perfins
P. 27
- Periins

Items of incoming mail to this group of stamp collectors are also found that provide further evidence that they
exchanged stamps with collectors around the world.

1958 (2"ct June)
Incoming Airmail Cover from East Germany to Jones Town

An envelope mailed from Leipzig in East Germany on 2nd June 1958 to Stanley W. Hope, one of the group of
collectors in Kingston who exchanged stamps .

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The envelope bears a Lufthansa airmail etiquette and a special label (Sorgfaltig stempeln- Sammler-Merken)
which requests the postal authorities to cancel the stamps carefully as they are for a stamp collector.

The stamps have, indeed, been lightly and clearly cancelled with Leipzig N 22 cancellations of 2nd June 1958.

The reverse of the cover bears a Jones Town circular datestamp indicating arrival at its destination on ih June
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