Page 22 - Paul Farrimond: Jamaica- Perfins
P. 22

9-Hole Diamond Punch & United Fruit Company

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9-hole perforator 30-hole perforator

1956 (13th December)
Airmail Cover from Kingston to Kirchberg, Switzerland

This cover was mailed from Kingston on 13 h December 1956, and is franked with three King George VI
definitives to a total of one shilling and ninepence. Two of the stamps are perfinned: the one shilling stamp
has the 9-hole diamond punch whilst the threepenny stamp has the perfin of the United Fruit Company (with 6
pins missing).




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. KIRCttRERG - P£ .

Sender: Miss L. Smith, 48 Byrness St.

The handwriting and the use of green ink are the same as on two other covers from 1956.

The combined use of perfinned stamps of two companies clearly indicates that these stamps had passed to
one or more members of the public who were using them for private use.

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