Page 60 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 60

OVEIISI:A  l ! Ail.s : Sl!ALI.  PACKgT$.   57
                 ClJST0:'15  TIU~AT."'I J::'iT I N  UNITt:D  1<1  GDOrt  OF DUTIABLE  GOOD5
                                IMI>OIHCD BY  5A:'11>LE  PO;,T .
                 Genuine  trade samples of certnin dasscs of dutiable goods arc nllowcd  to bo imptu-ted
                into  the  United J{ingdom  hy St\:nplo  post as spocifiod  below;
                 (a)  Spirits (except Pcrfumvd Spirits) may be imported in pnckngcs each not exceeding
                12 ounces gross weiJ;lht nnd will be delivered on payment of duty nt a  fiat rate of 3s. 6d.
                cnch  (mckagc, provid<>d  that each  package is  distinctly mnrkcd  "Spirit  (not perfumed)."
                 (b)  'l'c11  may  be  iruported  in  packages ench  not exceeding 8  oz.  gross  weight,  and if
                distinctly marked "T<•n," will  be delivered on payment of duty in  accordance  with the
                following scale:-
                   (i)  If the weight of the sample is under  i Free of duty.
                     3 oz. gro .. or 1 oz. net.
                  (ii)  If the gro'8 weight of the sample is 3 oz.   .\ flat rate of.ltl. per package.
                     or more but doed not exceed 8 oz.
                 (c)  1'o',acco.  'i'ype samples  of  unrn:mufaeturcd  tobacco,  NOT  crgnrs,  etc.•  rnay  be
                imported in pack:\ges each not exceeding 6 ounces gross weight and, if distinctly marked
               "Type Samples of  unmanufactured  tobacco,"  will  be  delivered on  payment of duty at
                th~ flat of 3s. Od. each package.
                 (d)  Wine may  be imported  in  packages Mch  not  exceeding  12  ounces gross weight,
               nnd  such  packages will,  if distinctly  mnrked  "Wirtc,"  be delivered  free  of duty.
                 (c)  Raw  Ch·icory Haw  Cocoa,  llt1w  Coffee,  Dried Fruit,  Suaw· Mltl Sti!JW"  Confectionery
               ~t~ay  be  imported  rn  quantities  not exceeding }  lb.  net  weight  per  package,  and  such
               packages, will,  if distinctly marked with  a  description of the contents, be delivered  free
               o! duty.
                 lt  :.hould be noted that if the :specified limits  of \o•cight ure  exceeded, or
               the pad<ct:s d o  not bear the required .statement:; a ,. to  their content:;  the
               good'> arc liable to forfeiture to  the cu:sto m :s.
                 PACI<ET5  CO  TAINJNG  PI? I N r E D  MATTeR,  COM rll.!IKI~L PAPEI?5
                                     AND 5AMPLE5.
                 lt s permissible to enclose in  lhe same packet printed matter, except literature for the
               blind, commercinl papers and samples, prodded that ench article t:t.ken  singly  is  within
               the limits applicable  to it  as regards weight and size, and thflt the tott1l  weight dqes not
               exceed five pounds  if the  packet  is  tlddressed  to  a  place  in  the British  Empire, or  four
               pounds six ounces, if addressed  to a  foreign countr.v.
                 The  minimum charge for such n packet is 2}d. if it contains commercial papers, and ld.
               if it consists of printed matter nnd samples.
                                    (r)  5mall  Pacl<et:s.
                 De finition and rate:
                 The Small  Pucket Post is  specially  provided  for  the  transmission  of  goods,  whether
               dui table or not, in the same mnils liS printed p11per~, which as a  rule travel more quickly
               than the parcel mnils.
                 The  prepaid  rate 1s  ld.  per  two ounces ,,;th a  minimum charge of 5d.
                 The limits of size are three feet in length, brendth and depth combined! but the greatel!t
               dimension  may not exceed  twn feet.  For packet~ in  the form  of a  ro I the  length and
               twice the diameter  combi,ncd  rnny  not exceed  three  feet  three  inches,  nor  the greatest
               dimension  two  feet eight  inches.
                 The limit of weight is  two pounds.
                 Mod e  of packing  and addre.s.s:
                 Small  packets  must be  sent in  such  a  manner  as  lo  be e!I.Sy  of  examination.  The
               sender  is required  to show his  name and address on the outside of 1 he packet, nod  he is
               recommended  to  mark  the  packet  conspicuously  SliALL  PACKt:T in  the  top  left-h!llld
                 Articles likely to cause injury to officers of the Post Office  or to damage  other  postal
               packets must  be packed in accordance •dth the regulations nt pnge 52.
                 Small packets may be posted  in n  posting box or handed over the counter.  They may
               be  regist.cred  but  not insured.
                 *Cigars  and  cigarettes  may  only  be sent to Great Britnin  by  parcel-post  or "small
                   packets"  mail,  but not  by  letter or sample  mnil.
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