Page 55 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
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        and silver in ingots or silver partially worked of a value  higher  than  £20, even if  the
        shipment  of coins or ingots, etc., is made as an insured parcel.
          U n i t e d   S t a t e s   o f  A m e r i c a .—Letters;  adulterated  food  and  drugs;  seed  cotton,
        cottonseed, and products of cottonseed (except oil, and under certain conditions  samples
        of  raw  or  unmanufactured  ginned  cotton, including all  forms of cotton-mill waste, and
        cottonseed  meal  and  cake);  feathers  and  skins  of  wild  birds (except ostrich feathers)
        unless  for  educational  or  scientific  purposes;  films  or  pictorial representations of prize
        fights;  live  bees;  plants,  parts  of  plants  (including  fresh fruits and vegetables), bulbs,
        corms,  roots,  seeds etc., unless authorized entry by, and addressed to, the United States
        Department  of  Agriculture,  but  n o   restriction is placed on the entry
        o f   field  seeds  (except  cotton seed   and  seed  or  paddy  rice),
        vegetables and flow er  seeds when free from  soil, cut flow ers
        incapable  o f  propagation,  dried,  cured, and p rocessed  fruits
        and  vegetables,  nuts  f o r  fo o d  purposes (except unprocessed
        a corn s  and  chestnuts),  dried  herbs  (except  dried  citrus
        materia!  o f   the  tribe  citrinae),  and  dried  herbarium  sp eci­
        mens;*  poisons;  prison-made  goods;  spirituous, vinous, fermented, malted and other
        intoxicating  liquors;  stupefying  drugs.  In  addition to  the prohibitions and restrictions
        applying  to  plant material as such, the use as packing material is also prohibited of rice
        straw,  hulls  and  chaff;  cotton  and  cotton products; sugarcane, including bagasse;  and
        leaves of all plants.
          The  importation  of the  following  articles  is  subject  to special restrictions:—arms;
        most  plants  and  plant  products;  seal  skin  in  any  form;  virus,  serums,  toxins  and
        analogous products.
          See page 56 in respect of exportation  of  cigars  and  cigarettes.
                           Special Prohibitions  (Im port).
          Unless  previous  written  permission  has  been  obtained from  the  Director  of Agriculture
        of Jamaica, it is prohibited  to  import into Jamaica  by parcel-post  mail the  following:—
          Bees, honey,  and material used  by bee  raisers;  boots used  previously by workmen on
        banana plantations;  cotton and all plants of the cotton plant; all plants and varieties of
        gossypium;  and  all  other plants originating in any  country  other
        than Great Britain.
          The  written  permit  of  the  Director  of  Agriculture  which  takes  the  form  of  a  label
        bearing  particulars  of  the  permit  and  the  seal  of  the  Department,  must  be  forwarded
        by  the  importer  to  the  supplier  who  shall attach  it  to the package containing the plant
        to  which  the  permit  relates.
          Contagious abortion vaccine,  live or  dead  (organisms  of  the  Brucella  group),  rabies
        vaccine,  foot  and  mouth  disease  and  contagious  bovine  pleuro-pneumonia  vaccine  or
          All specific organisms or agents (of a bacterial, protozoan and virus nature),  except rat
        viruses, which are known to cause infectious animal disease,  save and except in the form of
        subtances commonly known as vaccines, ; sera, toxins,  antitoxins,  and  antigens  intended
        for  use  in  the  practice  of  human  or  veterniary medicine, provided the said  substances
        (vaccines,  sera  toxins,  antitoxins  and  antigens)  are  imported  in  a  package labelled or
        marked distinctly on the outside of the package,  “ Biological Products ” and enclosing in
        the  said  package a Declaration  from  the  Exporter or Supplier stating fully the contents
        of  the  said  package  with  a  description  of  the  nature  of the subst ances therein and an
        indication of the maker, place and country in which they were prepared.
          Fruits and  vegetables  (except  dried  or processed  fruits  and  vegetables,  grains,  seeds,
        and  Irish  potatoes)  are  prohibited  in  the  mails  to  Jamaica  from  the  United  States,
        unless  accompanied  by  a  certificate  issued  by  a  representative  of  the  United  States
        Department  of  Agriculture  attesting  that  the  products  are  home  grown  and  are  the
        products  of a  State  in  which  the  Mediterranean  fly  (Ceratitis  captiata),  does  not  exist.
          The following articles are absolutely prohibited:—Coffee;  rum;  shaving brushes manu­
        factured in Eastern countries, as well as those exported from those countries; citrus fruits.
          It  is  also  prohibited  to  import  Tutaerculozyne  o f   any  other alleged
        care f o r  co n s u in p tio n ,u n le ss undei  license granted by the Governor and subject
        to the conditions of such license.
          * The  entry  of  the  approved  plants  and  plant  products of any nature is permitted
        only  on  the  condition  that  the  articles  concerned are found  to be,  or can be  rendered
        apparently,  free  from injurious insects and diseases.  Plant quarantine inspectors in  the
        United  States  are  permitted  to  destroy  immediately  any  plants  or  plant  products
        deemed injurious to plant life.
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