Page 54 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
P. 54

         E c u a d o r .—Sugar  c a n e ,  brandy  or  its  c o m b in a tio n s ,  a n d   t o b a c c o   (S u b je ct  t o   restric­
       t io n s ).
         E g y p t .— A rtificia l  t o b a c c o ;  se e d s  a n d   ju ic e   o r   e x tr a c t  o f   t o b a c c o ,  ra w   o r   re fin e d   su g a r.
         France.—Tobacco, except in limited quantities for addressee’s use, essence of tobacco;
       sacch  rine.
         I t a l y .—Tobacco,  s u b je c t   t o   s p e c ia l  r e s trictio n s .
         J a p a n .— Tobacco.
         Panama.—Sweets, paste,  fats and substances which easily liquefy.
         P e r u .—Tobacco  and  saccharine,  subject  to  special  restrictions.
         Philippine  Islands.—Same as  U.S.A., except that cigars and cigarettes are admitted
       without  restrictions  as  to  quantity  contained  in  single  package.
         P o r t u g a l .—Tobacco.
         R oumania.—Tobacco,  subject  to  special  restrictiens.
         Sweden.—Tobacco,  spirits  and  wines,  subject  to  special  restrictions.
         G reat B ritain— I.  Rags and bedding; soiled clothing; shaving brushes made in Japan
        or  exported  from  Japan; hair  of  animdsand  wool  coming  from  Egypt  (including  the
        Sudin);  all  advertisements  concerning  the  treatment  of  venereal  diseases  or  relative
        to  any  preparations  intended  to  prevent,  cure,  or  relieve them, except in the case of
        articles  addressed  solely  to  practicing  physici ins  or  to duly qualified chemists for the
        needs  of  their  profession;  liquids; dangerous drugs or  substances  for analysis or medical
        examination;  pathological  specimens;  tea  unfit  for  human  consumption; tea  exhausted
        or  mixed  with  other subtsances,  except  by special  permission of  the  Commissioners  of
        Customs and  Excise;  butter,  mirgarine,  margarine  cheese, milk,  cream, and  condensed
        milk,  except  in  execution  of  the  provisions  of the laws and regulations relative thereto,
        and unless packed in hermetically sealed tins bearing a  conspicuous  mark  indicating  the
        nature of their contents.
         II.  Skins, horns, hoofs or any other parts of cattle or other  animals whose transmission
        may  be  prohibited  in  order  to  prevent  the  propagation  of  any  contagious  disease;
        living p ants.
         III.  Firearms,  deadly  weapons,  and detached parts of such arms, except hunting rifles
        (unrifled), ammunition containing or designed  to  contain  any  noxious liquid  or gas,  air
        rifles and air carbines  and the parts which compose them.  The  articles  specified  in  this
        paragraph, are, however, admitted as an exception in the form of parcel  post,  subject  to
        permissim granted by the competent  British authority.
         IV.  False or  counterfeit coin; silver coin  of  Great Britain which  does not  meet  with
        the  legal  standard of  weight or fineness; imitations of coins.
         V  Articles  which  bear or are marked with stamps, names or other indications leading
        one to believe that  they  are  guaranteed  or  sanctioned  by  a department  of the British
        Government;  articles  bearing  a  counterfeit  mark and  articles of foreign manufacture
        bearing  a  name  or  a  mark  representing  or  supposed to represent the name or make of
        any manufacturer  or merchant  in  Great  Britain  or  Northern  Ireland, unless the name
        of  the  country  in  which  the  article  has been made is also indicated; gold or silver ware
        not of standard quality; goods made  in  foreign  prisons,  with  the  exception  of  goods
        imported  for a  non-commercial purpose  or goods of a kind not  manufactured  in  Great
        Britiin;  synthetic  organic  dyes,  colours,  and  colouring  matters  prohibited  by   the
        Dyestuffs  Import  Regulation  Act  of  1920  may  be imported in the form of  parcel  post
        if accompanied by a permit issued by the Board of Tr  de.
         VI.   Live  animals,  with  the  exception  of bees, leeches  and  silkworms  placed  in  well-
        constructed  boxes;  tobicco  stalks,  manufactured  or  not,  tobacco-stalk  flour,  and
        preparations  of snuff, except by permission  of the  Commissi"n»rs  of  Customs;  cut  and
        compressed  tobacco  mixed  with  other  substances:  (see  “ Liste  des  objets  interdits,”
        p.  371);  saccharine, mixtures containing  saccharine  and  other  substances  of  a  similar
        nature or use; extracts, essences or other concentrations  of coffee, chiciry, tea  or  tobacco
        or  other  mixtures  cf tnose  products; articles  bearing on  the  outside  or  in  the  address
        words, m irks or designs (drawing) which in the opinion of the Postmaster  General,  might
        embarrass  the  postal  agents  c  lied  upon to  handle  such  articles;  circul  rs;  fictitious
        stamps  and  dies,  plates,  instruments  or materials  intended for the manufacture of such
        stamps;  coins  coined  in  a  foreign  coun'ry.  other  than  gold  or silver:  see  “ Liste  des
        objets interdils,” p  371 BI, 6 (a)  (19); coin, precious stones, jewellery, and any articles
        of gold, silver and platinum, in  uninsured parcels coming from countries which adn- it
        insurance.  Coins of a value  higher  than £5 (except with a declaration indicating that
        they are intended to serve  as ornaments), gold in ingots  of  a  value  higher  than  £5 ,
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