Page 86 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 86

AIR  :-lAIL.                     83
                              Latest times or
                               posting  un-
                              regi~tercd cor·
               Country  of   respondence in the
                              Air Mail Letter
              De:~tination.    Box outside
                               the Head Post   Approximate time of transmission fr·om
                               Office, London,   London, acceleration afforded and
                                 E.C.l.            general observations .
                  1                                      . 8

                              10.4S a. m.   ::l  to 4 days  to Gaza, IIaiftt and Jerusalem: 2 t()
                               Tues ..  Wod.,   •1 days' gain.
                               Sat. & Sun.
            PAI'UA                       The time of transmission and  acceleration
                                          depend upon  the ste.'\mship sailings from
            Potn·uou~:slll EAST   10.45 lt.ul.   9  to 12 d1\ys Mozambique; 9 days to Beria ; 1()
             A.FRWA            Wed. & Sun.   days to Lourenco Marques: 7 .t,o 13 days'
            Rnoo~:SIA (See NonTI:IER); o n  ounn:n!\" Raoor.StA.)
            SARAWAK           10.45 u.m.   13 to 16 days to Kuching:  10 to 13 days' gnin •.
                               Tues. &  'at.
            Sl:lNEGJJ.J,      11.45 a.u1. Sat 2 days  to Dakar: 7  to 10 days' gain.
            SIAM              10.45 a.m.   7 days to Bangkok: 16 days' gain.
                               Tues. and Sat.
            SIERRA LEOI'rE    11 .45 a.m. Sat. 2 days  to Dnk>u: normally several days' gain.
            SoLOMON fsJ.ANDS             The  t.ime  or  transmission  and  acceleration
                                          depend  upon  t.he  steam  ship  sailings trom
            SouTu .AFRICA     10.45 n.m.   8 days Johannesburgb: 10 days' agin.
             (See a,lso  Northern   Wed. and   9 da.ys to Kimberley: 9 days ' gain.
             or Southern Rhodesia).  Sun.   9 da.ys to 8 days' gain.
                                         9 days to Durbnn: 10 dnys' gain.
            Sou-rm:nt-~ RHODESIA   10.'15 :un.   7 to 8  days to Salisbury a nd Bulawayo: 11 to
                               Wed. & Sun.   12 days' gain.
            STRAITS SETTLEMENTS   10.45 a. m.   8 days to Singapore: 14 day's gain.
             AND ]\If.~ LAY STATES   Tues. & Sat.
            SUOAN             10.45 a.m.   3 days  to Khartoum: 6 to 9 days' gain.
                               Wed. & Sun.
                              10.45a.m.   4t days to Beirut: 1 to 2 days' gain.
                               Tues., Weq.,
                               Sat. & Sun.
            T ANGAI'H'TKA     10.45 a.m.   6 days to Dodoma., 6 to 9 days to Dar-es-Salas.
             T &RRlTORY        Wed. & S\ill,   Salaam: 11 t:o 23 days' gain.
            TRANSIORDAN       10.45 a. m.   5 to 6 days to Amman: 1 to 4 day's gain.
                               T ues, Wed.,
                               Sat. & Sun.
            T UNIS            11.00 a. m.   2 days to T unis: 3 days' gain.
            UGA!\"I>A  (.S~ KENYA AND U GA NDA.)
            UNI ON OF SoviET   8 .00 p.m.   4 days to [ up to 4 days' gain.
             SociALIST REPUBLICS  6 . 30 a.1n. Sun.
            ZA~ZIB.\ll        10.45 a.m.   6 to 9 days to Zanzibar: 8  to 21 day's gain.
                               Wed. & Sun.
   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91