Page 84 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 84

Afrt  ,\(.-\.if,,              81
                            Lr1test times of
                             paRting un-
                            registered  cor-
                Country of   respondence in the
                           Air Mail Letter
                Dc.~tio'ltion.   Box outside
                            the Head Post   Approximate time of dcli very rer.koned from
                            Office, London,   th~ httest time of postinJ!: nt  tbe Head
                              E.C.l.           Post Office, London, E.C.l.
                                  z                   3
              G ~IIM'Al'll"   6 30 a. m.   Cologne same afternoon: Berlin and Hanover
                                          same evening.
              GIDRA!.TAR       J.l.OO a.m.   Gibraltar  nfternoon  second day after despatch_
                                ~1on. to Fri.
                               10.45 a. m.   Gibraltar Tuesday afternoon.
              GneEOE           11.00 a. m.   Athens afternoon second day after de~patch
                                Tues., Wed.
                                and Sat.
                              8. 00 p.m.   Athens afternoon third day after despatch.
                               Wed. & Thurs.
                              10.45 a.m.   Athens Tuesday afternoon.
              HOLLAND         6.30 a.m.   Rotterdam same day about noon.
              H o NoARY       6.30 a.m.   Budapest next aftC)'noou.
              h'At.Y          7.00 a. m.   Genoa, Milnn and Venice first delivery next
                                          day: Turin next morning: Rome next evening.
              LATVIA          8.00 p.rn.   Riga first delivery second day after despatch.
              LITHUANIA       8.00 p.m.   Kaunas next afternoon.
              MALTA           8.00 p.m.,   Malta evening second day after despatch.
                                ~Ion., Wed.,
                                and Sat.
              N oRWAY         6.30 a.m.   Oslo next morning.
              POLAND          9.45 a.m.   'Warsaw next day about noon.
              RouMANIA        9.45 a.m.   Bucharest afternoon second day after despatch.
              SPAIN           11.00 a.m.   Barcelona next morning:  :Madrid  next evening
                                            if express fee paid.
              SWJoJDEN        6.30a.m.   Malmo same evening if express fee paid: Stock-
                                          holm first delivery next day.
              SWITZERt.AND    6.30a.m.   Zurich sa:ae cvenjug if express fee paid.
              Ton&EY          8.00 p.m.   Istanbul morn(ng third day after despatch.
              U.S.S.R. (EunoPE)   8.00p.m.   ::vroscow first delivery second day after despatch.
              YuGOSLAVIA      8.00 p.m   Belgrade afternoon second day despatch.
                              COUNTRIES  OUT SIDE  FUROPE.
              ~LOERIA         11.00 n.m.   H days to Algiers: 1 to 2i days' gain.
              BAHREIN         10.45 a.m.   4 days: 5 to 9 days' gain.
                                Tues. and
              BELOIAN CONGO   10 _ 45 a. m.   5 days to Abn: 21  day's gc•iu.
                                Wed. & Sun. 7 days to Elisabetb.viUe: l!i days' gain.
              (VIA FnA.NcE)   11.00 a. m.   6 days to Leopoldviile: 15 to 22 d9.ys' gain.
                                T hurs.   Corre>pondenee shouhl be superscribed "Via
              (INTERNAL  SERVICE) ..  As for ordinary 21  to 24 dr.ys: se,·ernl dnys' gain for interior.
                               mails to   Correspondence should be super.>cribed "In-
                                Belgian    teroal."
                               C ongo.'
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