Page 37 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 37

34               OVEBSEA  MAlLS:  Cl,ASiJPICATIOK.

      VII.  TuRKs  lsLAl'l'l>S- A  monthly  mail  service  is  maintained  by  the  ~r.S.  '· ~lay­
    flower.''  Letter mail is also exchanged via New York.
      Vlll.  CuDA-Mails arc  conveyed weekly  by United Fruit Co's Steamer$ \"ill  Unbana.
    (The Cuban Post Office forwards only leltcrd 111ailtd in  Hoba11a by  the weekly l!lcnmcrs.
    :Mail  posted in  other  places is onh·  forwarded  vin Snntiago  by  occa.siooal  opportunity.
    Full  mails for  Cuba nrc  forwarded  from  Jamaica  by the  weekly  and  any  other  oppor-
    tunity.)  There is no direct  parcel-post exchange with Cuba..
      Dy courtesy  of  the  United  Fruit Co.,  the following  schedule  of  routes,  etc.,  of  the
    regular  mai!-carrying  steamers  is  furnished.
      NEW Yom~·Cuo.\-JAMAICA·CANAL  ZoNE·COS'rA  RICA  SERVICE:  A  steamer  leaves
    New  York every Thursday and calls at lhe following porls:-Uavann, IGngston (nrrivcs
    and  leaves Wednesday), Cristobal, Port  Limon,  llav:~n:~,  New York-a  round  voyage
    of 18 days.
      NEw-YonK·llAI'I'J-JA~!AtCA-COLOMDTA-CANAL  ZONE  SEnvrcE:   A  steamer  of  the
    Colombian  Line  lcnvcs  New  York every Thursday and calls at the following ports:-
    P ort.-nu-Prince,  l<ingston  (arri\'CS  and  leaves  Tuesday),  Puerto Colombia, Ca.rtagena,
    Cristobal,  J(ingston  (arrive&  Tuesday,  leaves  Wcdne.•day),  Port.-au·Prince.  ~cw York
    (arrives Monday),  a  round  voyage of  19  days.
      NEw YoRK-JAMAICA-PANAMA-COLOliBIA  ER\'IC&:  :\  steamer leaves 1'\ew  York every
    Saturday and  c.~lls  nt  the  following  porta:-I<ingston  (arrives  and  leaves Thuraday),
    Cristoba.l,  Cnrtngcna,  Puerto  Colombin,  Santa  Marta,  JGngston  (arrives  nnd  lr,rves
    Friday),  New  York  (arrives  Wcdnesdny)- a  round  voyage  of  1  days.
    leaves  Now  Orleans every two or three weeks und calls at the following ports:-d\n~ingo,
    Kingston, Belize, Puerto Barrios,  New  Orleans.
      BrusrovW&Bl' ll\'DI&s-V&NEZUELA-PANAMA·JAMATOA SERVICE :  A  Fyfl'es J.ine Rtcamer
    (Elders  &  FyiTes,  Ltd.) leaves Bristol every  a lternate  Monday  calling  at the following
    ports:-Barbados, Trinidnd, La Gunim, Cristobal,  I<ingston  (arrives Monday nod leaves
    Tuesday),  Bristol  (arrives  Mond!Ly).
      A  Fyffes  Line stcnmrr  len,·es Bristol e,·ery other Wednesday or Thursday  cnlling at
    the  following  ports:- Kingston  (arri\'CS  or  Thursday,  leaves  Friday),  La
    OuRira,  Trinidad,  Barbados.  Bristol  (arrives  Sunday).
      Elders & ~·ffes. Ltd., maintain a  further ser\'iCC  with  the  Gseat  Britain and  Europe,
    but as the sniling days and routes of these boats  vary somewhat according to the  se:u;on
    of the yea r their movements cannot be reduced to the precision of a  schedule.
      The  following  rs the schedule  of  the  Caoodinn  1'\ational  Steamships  mail-<:arrying
      CAl'ADA-BEJUIUD•\-~ASS.~t:-JAMAICA-BRITISII Hoxoun.\S SER\'J('£-A regular fortnightly
    mail  service  from )lontrcnl during Summer months (and  from  Halifa.x  during  Winter
    months)  for  Bermuda., Nassau and Jt~maica, returning  over  same  route  to  ~lont.rea.l
    during Summer months  (a.nd to Halifnx during Winter months).
      Also  a  fortnightly service from MorHrcal lo Jn.mnica during  Summer  months, calling
    a t Halifax en route  and from Halifax direct to Jamnica during  the Winter months.
      The  above afforcls 11  rcg11lar weekly mail SE'rvice between Canada and Jamaica through-
    out the year.
      A  ~teamer arri,·es at J amaica southbound e,·ery other  Wedneschy and  nturdny during
    Winter months and e\·ery other l\londily during Summer months.
      A  northbound  steamer  leaves  Jnmt~icll  e,·ery  other  Tt•esda.y  t~nd Wedne~day during
    Wintc.r  months and every other Thur:,dny during Summer months.
      A  rc~lar fortni~thtly mail ser,·ice  stcnmcr  is  operated  throughout  the year between
    Jamaica  and Belize  British  Honduras . connectin,!l with steamers s:~iling fr('lm Jn m:~ ict~ on
                        CLASS I t'ICATIO   OF MAlL.
      Foreign Correspondence is divided into the following classes:-
      ( a)  Letters.  (b)  (c)  Printed  Papers.  (d)  Commercial  Papers.  (e) Samlllcs
    (I)  "Small  Packets."  (g)  Parcel-Post Parcels.
      For the Rotes  of Postage on all  Classes of  mail matter  limits  of weight and size
    etc., see page 52 and Table, pp. 54 to 6.3.
      Ca)  Letters  posted  wholly  unpaid  or  insufficiently  prepaid  are  forwarded,  but  are
    charged  on  delivery  with  double  the  deficiency.
      Unpaid  and insufficiently prepaid  letters  from  places abroad  are  charged  double  the
    deficient  postaa;e;  the  minimum surcharge  iM  ~d.
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