Page 34 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 34

PASSENG11:R  SERVICES.             31

                 Fares fnm   Brncs River.  • Santa Cru?..   Malvern.   Munro  I Soutbfield.
                                                        College  .
              Balaclava   . . 1   3/    5/       8/       10/    11/
              Braes River               1/S      5/       6/S     8/
              Santa Cruz                         3/       4/6     6/
              Mulvern                                     1/6     3/
              Munro                                               L/6
                    Fares from       Lacovia.   Middle Quarten;.   131ack River.

              Maggotty                   2/           3/         5/
              La covin                                I/6       3/
              Middle Quarters                                    2/ 6
                                    Blacks tone
                 Fares from   Guy's Hil!.   Edge.   Lucky Hill.   Gay le.   Retreat.

              Guy's Hill       R ~f<Jr  to  Mail  Con tractors:
              Lucky Hill           :\lessins  and  J\lcCauley,  St. Anus Bay.
                         I                                    1
              Gay le     )                                    I
                    Fnres from                    Newport.  I Cross Keys.  -

              Williamsfield                           3/2        4/8
              Mandeville                              1/6        3/
              Newport                                            1/6
                            ~ ~ e>    ~  I  m     ti   g             'i
                             ~~    ~ 5    ·   ~~  _g       :g        ~
                 Fa res from.                              ~ lL'  ~
                            "  ~  g,  ~  -~ ' ~]  -"'   ;;
                             ~   ='  £  ;;  ~  ~G  ~   ~   ~    ~    ~
              Wil.li_a_m_s_fic-ld ___ ~s ~2 4/8: :8 is ~/ ill/wlG/1 1~  1;6
              Mandeville        1/6  3/  5/  6/   7/3 I ·o/6  12/6  14/6  15/6  17/
              Spur Tree           i 1/ 6, 3/ 6  4/9!  5/9   8/   11/   13/   14/   15/6
              Pepper      .. 1  •  •   1 . .   2/   3/ 3  4/ 3 1  6/6   9/6  11/ G  12/6  14/
              Santa Cruz          ,  .   . .   1/ 3  2/ 3   4/6   7/ 6   9/ 6  10/ 6  12/
              Lacovia             I  _     I  I/   3/ 3   6/3   8/3   9/3  10/9
              Middle Quarters                     2/ 3   -'l/ 3   7/ 3   8/3  9/9
              Black River         1',   ..  ..  I . _   . .  1  3/   5/   6/   7/6
              Whitebouse                                   2/   3/   4/6
              Blueficlds          j  • •          . •  I        1/   2/6
              Cave        . -i                                     1  1/6
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