Page 19 - Jamaica PO Guide 1936
P. 19

                                            DAYS  AND  BOtllll!  01'  POSTING AND  ARRIVAl..
                                                Expkmalion of llf arks of Reference.
                     ll.-Ciosing  time  for  newspapers,  books,  registered letters, parcels-9.15 a.m.
                      b.-closing time  for  newspapers,  books-12.15  p.m.; registered letters and parccls- 12.30 p.m.
                      c.-Closing  time  for  newspapers,  books-2.15  p.m.;  registered lctters-2.30 p.m.; pnrcels-3 p.m.
                      d.- Closing  time  for  newspapers,  books,  regiMtcred  letters, parcels-10 a.m.
                      I.-Telegraph  Offices.  tel.-Telephone  Offices.  Ry.I - Hailway Telegraph Offices.
             All  Offices  transact  parcel  post  business,  but  parcels  addressed  to  those offices marked"!" arc occasionally subject to delay.
             Registered  letters  for offices  for  which  the mail  closes at 6.30 a.1n. must be posted not later than  1 1 p.m. on the previous day.
             Offices  printed  in S11AJ.I.  CAI'ITAt.S  are  branches  of the  GovernmMt  8avit1gs Bank.
                                      g t:                  - Arrive :lot  D.P.O.   Leave D.P.O. for   ---- - ·
                                      .!: g   Post at Kingston.   from Kingston   _   Kingston.   Arrh·e at !f!ngston.
                Oilier..     Purish.   ~ ~  Mon.,  Wed  Tues., Thurs   Mon.,   Tues.,   Mon.,   'l'ues.,   Mon.,   Tues.,
                                      ~:2   and Fri.   and Sat.   Wed.&Fri. Thr. & Sal. Wed.&:: Fri. Thr. & Sat. Wed.&:: Fri. Thu. & Sat.
           ---------1-------f--'·------                                                    I        ----
           Aberdceu.z     St.Eiizabcth  ..  81  9.30a.m.a  9.30a.m.a  5 .15p.m.  5.15p.m.  8 . 00a.m.  8.00:1.m.  3 .20p.m.  3.20p.m.
           Above nocks l. tel.   St. Cathcrine  ..  18  10.30 s.m. d  10.30 n.m. d.  -1.20 p.m.  4.20 p.m.  7 . 30 a.m.  7.30 a.m.  12.45 p.m. 12.45 p.m.
           AnELrnr,lel.l.   St. James   .. 120  l.OOp.m. b  l.OOp.m.b  11.20a.m.ll .20a.m.  2.50p.m.  2.50p.m.  9.15a.m.  9.15n.m.
           Aenon Town     Clnrcndon    72  9.30 :\.m. a   9.30 a. m. "   4.50. p.m. l 4.50 p.m.  8.30 a.m.  8.30 n.m.  1 3.20 p.rn.  3.20 p.m.
                                          1 00  p.m. b   1.00 p.m. b  8.25 a.rn.  R25 a. m. l 4.55 p.m.  4 55 p.m.  9.15 a.m.  !).15 n.m.
           Airy Castle    St. Thomas   . .  42  1.00 p.m. /)   1.00 p.m. b  5.27 p.m.  5.27 p.m.  2.18 a.m.  2.18 n.m.  6.00 a.m.  G.OO u.m.
           klbl\Jly,Ru.t.   St.Mary   ..  42  l.OOp.m. b  l.OOp.m.b  4.50p.m.  4.50p.m.  8.30a.m.  8.30a.m. lll.40a.m.  11 .40a.m.
           i\ J.IJ!lR1'TOwJN,Iel.l.  Trelawny   .. 103  9.30a.m.a  !l.30a.m  tl  5 .00p.m.  5.00p.m.  8.00a.m.  8.00a.m.  3.20p.m.  3.20p.m.
           A.ldcrton, I.   . .  St. Ann   .   51  1 1.00 p.m. b  I. 00 p.1n. b  7. 05 a.m.  7. 05 a.m.  4. 30 p.m  4. 30 p.m.  9.15 a.m.  9.15 a.m.
           AtEXAM>RlA,I ...   do.   .. , 76  9.30a.m. a  9.30a.m.a  5.5.)p.m. f 5.55p.m.  7.25a.m.  7.25a.m.  3.20p.m.  3.20p.m.
                                          l.OOp.m.b  l.OOp.m.b  7.20a.m.  7 .20a.m.  6.00p.m.  6.00p.m.  9.15a.m. 9.15n.m.
                          C ,_
                                                                              . ~iln.m.
           J  \ LLEY,  I l  l c..   ..  , .. ren  d  on   ..   47  6  30 a.m.   6  30 a.m.   10  ·o  a.m.   10  ·o  a.m.   5  ?"   - O.:<ila.m.   9  1·  ila.m.   9  1·  oa.m.
           AlligatorPond,Le/. L.  Manchester   .  79  9.30a.m.a  9 .30n.m.a  6.42p.m.  6.42p.m.  6.00a.m.  1  6.00a.w.  3.20p.m.  3.20p.m.
           Alston,lcl./.   .  I  Clarendon   68  9.30a.m.a  9.30 n.m.a  4.13p.m.  4.13p.m.  9.05 n.m.  9 .05 ... m.  9.15a.m.  9.15a.m.
                                          l.OOp.m.b  lOOp.m.b  9.02a.m.  902a.m.  4 .18 p.m.  4 .18 p.m.  9.15a.m.  9.15a.m .
           Anchovy, tel.   St. Jamcs   . .  105!  9.30n.m.a  9.30u.m.a  5.35p.m.  5.35p.m.  7 .30a.m.  7.30a.m.  3.20p.m.  3.20p.m.
                                          1.00 p.m. b  1.00 J>.m. b  8.2-5 cun.  8 .25 : .m. 4 .30 p.m.  4  30 p.m.  9.15 a.m.  9.15 a. m.
           ANNOTTO BAY,  I.   St. l\lar''   .  50  l.OOp.m.b  l.OOp.m.b  5.35p.m.  5.35p.m.  7 . 30n.m.  7 .30a.m.11.40 ,\.m. ll1 .40:uH.
           A SKV.NIRII , l.   Tiuuover   .. 144   !J.30n.m.a 19.30:t.m. n  8.l0a.m.  8.10:\.tn.  4 . 00JUn.  ·LOOp.m. , 3.20p.m.  3.20p.m.
           BAI.ACJ..AVA,  l   RL J.:lizn.Lcllo  . ·I 7 1   !l.30a.m.a  !l.3C:un.a '3.0fip.m. • 3.05p.m. 10.20ti.m.  l0.20ol.m.  3.20p.m.  3.20p.uo
                                          1.00 p.m. b  1.00 p.m. b  10.40 n.m.  10.40  2.00 p.m.  2.00 p.m.  9.15 a.m.  0 .15 a.m
           13alcnrrcs. l. tel.   Por Liaud   ..  45  1.00 p.uJ. b  1.00 p.m. b  10.35 a.m.l l0.35a.m.  12. 45 a. m.  2.45 p.m. ,11.40 a.m.  11.40 a.m.
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