Page 29 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNShakedown
P. 29

                                       U.  S.  A_RMX  CEN SORSHL
                                     HA~DSTAMPS AND  POSTMARKS.
                                          roster  - M-USA  ).

                  This  dater  i3  similar  to  M-USA  2,  havihg  the  same  w~rding
              around.  the  top,  but  in  -Eh±s  case  fhe  cen..tre.  comprises  four_

              plugs,  having  t'he  A .P.o. Number  "86J'l  at  tne  top  followed
              oy  month,  day  and  year_p~ugs as  in  M-USA  2.                   1here  is no
              "time  p~ug and  the  'rlotati on  'tA  • J>. 0. ''  appears at  -\:he
              bottom  centre .

              6c  u.s.  aix  mail  stationery  cover  £rom  a  member  o£  the
              9th  Airways  Command  Detachment  - probably  ai  Vernham

               rield  - to  Chicago,  bearitlg  M-USA  3 dater  of  ihe  7th
              March,  1944·          The  cove~ bears 1he  sender's  na~e and  unit

               and  A.P.O.  861  c/o  PM  Miatni,  Fla."  together  with  M-USAC  4-,
               Number  122  struck  in black  ink.
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