Page 28 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNShakedown
P. 28

                                          0.$.  ARMY  C~SORSH~P

                                       HANDSTAMPS  AND  POSTMARKS .
                                             ~ost~r - H-USA  2!.

               Cover  from  Fort  Simonds  ~o New  York bearing M·OSA  2B  dater  o~

               t'he  19-l:.h  J(fne,  1~46 ,  a.  ve-ry  late  '\I.Se  of' thi~ (X]S.rk.
               rt is believed  that  s  Ari".y  Air- Fo r ce  Wea-hher  ,Station  was  a-t
               Fort  Si~onde t o  assist  t  e  Amexican  Caribbean  Air  Command  at
               Yernham  Field  - botn  b•se~ were  nanded  over  to  the  ~amaican

               ~o verntrLent  on  t'he  2nd  J',  1950.
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