Page 4 - Sutclifffe-APD_Military_RoyalNavy
P. 4

                                              The  Royal  Navy  in  Jamaica .

           ld  postal  stationery  card  from  Port  Royal  to  the  Isle  of  Wight  bearing  on  the  reverse
       the  endorsement  From  Horace  C.  Watson/H . M. S .  Cleopatra/Port  Royal/March  26rn  1894 .       It
       is  not  evident  as  to  whether  or  not  Watson  was  an  officer  or  a  seaman,  but  the  ld  card
       appears  to  indicate  the  latter,  the  ld  paying  mail  at  the  concessionary  rate  but  there
       is  no  countersigning  by  his  commanding  officer .       Were  he  himself  an  officer  then  he
       would  not  be  entitled  to  the  concession,  but  perhaps  the  card  is  one  that  just  slipped
       through  the  system  !

                                            UNION  POSTALE  UNIVERSELLE
                                       J .\~I.\ I C.\  (J  .\~I.\ IQ C E)
                                          POST ta C~\.RD

                                    THE  IIOORESS  ONLY  TO  BE  WRITTEN  ON  THIS  SIDE.
                                 ~ _f. ~ .  ;/'. ~--c

           There  is  now  shown  a  further  letter  from  J .  Horsam  to  Devon ,  also  countersigned  by
        his  commanding  officer  to  authorize  a  concessionary  rate  of  postage .       In  this  case ,
        however,  it appears  the  letter may  have  sent  via  a  friend  as  there  is  no  Jamaican  stamp
        affixed  to  the  cover .   It  seems  that  on  arrival  in  the  United  Kingdom  was  affixed  to
        the  letter  - probably  by  the  friend  - which  " passed"  the  item.     This  stamp  is  cancelled
        by  a  Falmouth  to  Bristol  TPO  dater  of  the  28 ~ October,  1896 .     The  letter  probably
        reached  its  destination  quicker  by  not  having  to  wait  for  a  later  boat .
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