Page 42 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 42

A to f. Col lection .

                          l"'RC!:S AIR MAIL

                 -            cover trom Garrison Post O!!iee
                          franked at 3d CQnCe$$ionary rate with
             -...... -c(
-; -..       0   :E       Garrison Post Office dater of 9
                          August 196?. !he cove~ bears the
             "0  a::
                          hand$tAmpcd wording FORCES AlR MAlL,
                          3~ x 50mm, in block serif type which

                          at first sight looks as if it were
                          typ~d , the ~o•hole being 1n purple ln/1: .
                          The cover also ~ars HEADQUARTERS

                          JAMAICA DEFENCE FORCE handSt4mp of 7
                          August 196? which is also struck in

                          pu.rple ink.


~•.,..... •

"'(• ~
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