Page 347 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 347

Telegrepn Forms.

'rhe J"ato\aica Telephore Co . Ltd .


                       h.bidcaliiiJ:Ihone COmpai.Umlld

               MESSAGE SERVICES


                                           CbaJ1U to pay -  -

                To -------··-······-···-- --·-·····-

·····----------······ ··--·-·-·-

  Clerk- - - · - - · - - - - -             Send out .... ·····-···--·---·····--
Meeaeager................................  Delivered . · ... ... .....---···-··

                                           Retumed. ....... ............ ·-···---

Slp•,...............---····---·-···· ······ ····

    Envelope from the Co~pany enclosing telegr~m and bearing

on the reverse liet;ril da-l:er of the 5th September, 1986.

ror the lnland tet.egr.-....s a postage charge of lOc was 11141de

on delivery al-rd thQ reverse of a similar envelope show• t'he
teDr of£' portion of th!> .flap ~oihic'h tne rease.,ger returned

to the receivittg office with the c'harge colU.ctad.
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