Page 346 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 346

Tele€rap'h Forms.
                               The :rarnaica Telephone Co. Lid.

                                   NOTICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS TELEGRAM

    I. This Teleg;r:m will be dcl.l\'ercd from the TcrmmaJ Otnce by Messenger wilhout charge if the addressee resides within one
mile of such Office. or if Jn Klng:non, wtthm the Postal deiJyery.

    11. Beyond these IJ.nuu H will be dehvered spedaUy as under, lf the requisite ponerage fees are pre-patd
                      (a) tf the whole dtstJnce be of under 3 miles at a charge of 12c per mile, counting from the boundary of the free
                     (b) The JbO\C rates ""iU be ma•mamed. pro\'lded the Company can obtam debvtry at the puoes quoted, otherwise

                       the best po:S.stblc arrangements for delivery ....mbe made and the Charges shaU be patd by the Sender.

     Ul. If the required porterage fee) are not pre-paid or if a sufftcH:nt depostt be not made to meet such chasges (where the exact
distance IS not knov.n) tlus Telegram wJU be delivered in ordinary oouue by post as a letter, from the Trrmmal Office.

     J\' In the event of anywayment or dept>Sit on account of porterage fees bemg msufficient the Sender of this Telegram will be for the assertamed defiaem.:)' if not pa1d by the addressee on deb\-ery.

     V The Sender may pre-pay a reply. tn sue~ case a Reply·patd Form wtU be handed to the addressee, That Form will two
tnQnthsfrOmJtsdate, !rank .ln),. Telegram not cxceedmg: in lelt$-th the number of words stated on 1t. If the Form be not used iu value will
be paid to the Sender of the Ongma1 Telegram on appiJcu.hon being made within two months to the Jama1ca Telephone Company. The
 Form must .1ccompany the application.

     VI A Telegram C3n be repeated from Office to Olfice tluough the cowse of transmisSIOn 1f the Sender desues to adopt thlS
secwity agamst the risk of euor. The chatge for repetition (which must be paid when the Telegrrm i~ handed in) JS one-half the charge
for transmus1on. Any traction of .a less than le being reckoned as le. If a Teleg.ram contain mercantile quotations or code words h
should always be repeated.

    VU. The Jamaica Telephone Company w11J not be liable for any loss or damage which may be 1ncwred or sustained by reason or on
 account of anr m1st~ke or default in the uansmission or dcti\-·ery of a Teleg.ram.

    VlJI. All applications rcspectmg ttus Telegram should be m3de within tltree months from the date of its transmission, after wtuch

period it will be de.moyed.

                Name and address of Sender.......... ~ ....... _...•••....• , .•...••..• , .•........ , .. . . . . , ..... .
                              (FOR REFERENCE ONLY)..... -..... .. .•• - .... . ....... . ......... . ................ .

          ReversQ of the Company's "J1ESSAQE RE:C£'IV£D FROH THE:

           PUBt.lC" :form .sf April, 1986, with "NOTICE: TO THE St:NPeR

         OF THIS TELrGR AH ~ o£ the ier~s and condjtions applying.
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