Page 21 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 21

Jamaica: Pre-Adhesive Postal Rates

      Pre-Paid Markings
                                                    Type PD3 (PD5)

                                                   Known used 1824 to 1838.

                                                                                               At Chapelton
                                                                                                  T4a (PS4)
                                                                                          The latest known date of usage
                                                                                               (assessed ‘Rare’)

                                                                                       Per HM packet Tarturus Apr 25 1839
                                                                                                    2¼ oz

                                                                                                At Kingston
                                                                                            Jamaica Paid PD3 (PD5)
                                                                                                of 25 Apr 1839
                                                                                        A new latest known date of usage

                                                                                                 At London
                                                                                               Tombstone Paid

                                                                                            Manuscript ‘Paid 19s6d’
                                                                                        9 times the 2s2d packet letter rate
                                                                                             (in use 1813 to 1839)
                                                                                            No inland charge evident.

                                                                                               (scan of reverse)
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