Page 16 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 16

Jamaica: Pre-Adhesive Postal Markings

      Post Town Circular Hand-Stamps
                                 Spanish Town Letters with c.d.s. Type P1 (D1)

                        The circular date-stamps replaced the straight line types for the post towns from 1835.

                             Post Town Type P1 (D1) is recorded used between May 1835 and Dec 1841.
          Early strikes appear with an inner circle but this has worn away on later strikes, this variation was not listed by Foster.
              Five copies have subsequently been recorded, two in black and three in blue, all used between 1838 and 1841.
                 Blue ink was only (rarely) utilised, either by mistake or because supplies of black had been exhausted.

                  Internal Letter from Spanish Town,                     Packet Letter from Spanish Town dated 9 Jun 1838
               to May Hill Post Office dated 18 Jun 1836                 Rated 2s2d for London Packet Letters before 1840.
        Rated 7½d in local currency, the rate for less than 60 miles.

                            Packet Letter from Spanish Town on 29 May 1841 arriving in London via Falmouth.
                                            Rated 1s, the Packet Letter Rate (from 1840).
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