Page 184 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 184

Jamaica: Llandovery Falls,1900-1901.

                                                                     Complete sheet of 60 from plate 3.

                     Rivet hole. →                                                                                                                          ←

              Plate numbers.

            De La Rue used a
           different style of plate
             number for these
          recess-printed issues;
              fine line-drawn
            numbers in place of
            the white numbers
           within solid coloured
            ovals that they had
             hitherto used and
            continued to use for
           typographed stamps.

           Plate numbers 1 and
          3 are known, together
           with an unnumbered
           plate, which may be
                  plate 2.

                           Plate 3

                  Rivet holes.                                                                                                                              fifth
                  There are 5                                                                                                                               not
                   prominent                                                                                                                                found
                 circles, holes                                                                                                                             on late
                precisely placed                                                                                                                            two-
                  in the plate                                                                                                                              colour
                margins. These                                                                                                                              plates.
                must have been
                used at an early
                 stage of plate
                preparation, as
                they were filled
                 and machined
               flat before inking
                  and printing.

                 Similar holes
                are found in the
                 plates of other
                 recess printed
                  De La Rue
                  issues of the
                period such as
                 the Bahamas
                staircase, 1901.

                        Rivet hole.                                                                                                                         hole.
                                →                                                                                                                           ←
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