Page 42 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 42

l'ASSENGER  s~;nVICES.             39
                              PASSENGER  SERVICES.
                A  motor  mail  and  passenger  service  is  maintained  between  the  following  plnces:
               Kingston  ~tnd  Port  i\nt.onio  (vi:1  Morant  Bay);  Momnt  Bay  and  Trinity  Ville ;
               Ewarlou  and  )1onlego  Bay  (a);  Anchovy  nnd  {,·,c:·l  (b);  Bnlaclavn  and  Southfield;
               13alaclava  nnd  Ulster  Spring  (b);  i\Iaggotty  and  Black  River  (b);  May Pen and Hace
               Course  (c);  Montpclier  and  Stwnnna-lt1-:Mnr (b); Willinmsficld and Snvnnnn·ln-i\'lar  (d);
               Wil!inmsfield and Cross Keys  (b);  Linslend nnd Gnyle (a); Richmond and St. Ann's Bay·
               (t<); and Shooter's  Hill ntld  Brown's Town  (b); Savanrm-ln-Mar  11nd  Negril  (b):  Middle
               tlw~r ters nnd Now Market (b).
                The  time  of  arrival and  departure of t he may be ascertained  by referring  to the
              preceding Table.
                                  >.~a  ;cc
                                                                  ..;   ~
                 Fares from   §  I § -;;  ~,  ~  ~ ~  ~  ~  ~  .;   -B   >   0
                           ~0  8  ~  -~  ~  ::   ~   ~   Q   1/)   ~   "   ~   .E
                           ce~<~~ ~            ~~  ~-         .§   ~   c:
                           o~S.         :Jego~;:                  -   0
                          ;;oo~rn.:l  ~  ~  w     ~  o    o   ~   ~  ""
                        .. 2/GI:-14/05/ 1-;;,~~ ~ ;-10/6 11/  )11/6  12/6  13/6  w
               l\·Jonengue   0.  - 1/62/64/  5/  6/  7/  8/   0/  10/  10/6  11/0  12/  12/6
               Clnre  m on  t   00  - -  1/3?/  3/  4/  G/  7/   8/  0/  10/  10/6  11/  11/6
               Li  me H:lll   1- -  2/  3/  5/  6/   71  8/   fJ/
                        00                                   fJ/6 jl0/  H/
               St . Ann's Bay ..  - -  = t~   11 I 21  <~t  5/   5/ 6  6/   6/6  7 I   8/ 6  10/6
               T.n ugblaods   ..   - -  -  1/3  3/  4/   5/   6/   7/   8/  18/6  0/6
               Ru naway Bay  - -                  4/  5/   6/   7/   8/   9/
                               - - -
               Jlr  own's Town  - -  -r-  -I - 2/ 13/   2/  3/  4/   5/  16/6  8/
               l;tc wa.rt Town  - -  -  -         1/  2/   3/   4/6  5/6  7/6
              .In  ckson Town  - -  -   - - -     -  1/   2/   3/6  5/   7/
               Cl  ·trks Town  ..  - -  -  - - -  - -    1/   2/6 , 4/6  6/6
               nu  ucans   ..  - -  -   - -   -   - -    -
              I',a  lrnoutu   - - - -   - - -     - -    -  I /   ·1/   6/
               Li Ule  River   ::I-  -  -r- -  - - -  - -  -  - I  -  2/
                                 I                  I
                                                              Green Island.
                    Fares from     Hopewell.   Sandy Bay.   Lucca.   I
                tchovy          . .   2/6     3/ 6     6/         7/ 6
                         ..                        I
               Ho  pc well      ..    -       1/       3/6        6/
                ndy Bay   ..    ..    -        -       2/6        51
                         ..     ..    -        -        -         3/
              Lt !Cell
                                          --- ---                ---
                    Fares from      Ha yes.   Alley.
                                     ? I  _,
              tl!ay Pen                         1/
              I byes                            2/       3/        51
              Alley                                      1/        2/
              Hace Course                                         _ 1,_'_
                .;z  Connect.s witi'i2.55 p.m. trt1in dRily.
                ~ Connects with  11.25 >.m.  t rain dnily.
                c Co,mects with 7.25 a .m. tmin daily .
                .J  Connects wit h  4 .5~ p.m. tr1~iu (Tuesday, Thurs:lay, Snturrlay l
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