Page 128 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 128

                                 PRINCIPAL  STEA>ISHI P  CO>:N&CTIONS  nETWl'!EN  Juu rcA  AND  COUNTRIES  AllnoAD .

                Ste~tmship Line.•.   Ports of Cull.   1\hils convt>yed.        Time in Transit.   Periodicity
                                                                                                or  Sen·ice.
              --- ---------------- ·----·----- -----·--- ---1------
               1  Aluminum Line   Bridgetown, Port   Letter  and  pnrccl  mails  for Trinidad,  1,146  8 days to Bridgetown,   Fortnigh tly
                               of Spain, Georgctown  Barbados,  keward  and  Windward  1,309  9 days to  Port  of Spain,   (Wednesday)
                                             Islands and the  Guinnas   I ,694  12 days to Georgetown
              -;·c;.-;;-adian N;tional  Bcli~------- Le~~ -,;-;;d;~~cl  mails  for  British I 665  _3_d_a_y_s_·-------IF;;;:t-n-ig_h_tl_y ___ _
                 Ste,.mship                  Honduras,  Rep.  of  Honduras,  El               (Friday)
                                             Salvador and Guatemala.
              3 ·-   Do.     _N_a_s_sa_u_, H;,~~n-,- -Le-tt-er_a_n(-1 -p-a-c-e- m-ni-ls_to __ N_a_ssau,- --66-2- ,'----t __ d_a_)-'S--to--N-:u;-~a-u-----,Fortnigh u; (W cd-;;~
                               Montrcnl      Bcrmud'\ 1  nnd  p:-.rccl  mail  to Canada  1,49)  6 days to Hamilton   day)  for  Montreal,
                                                                       2,845  12 days to Montreal   calling fortnightly at
                                                                                              N nssau and Bermuda
                                                                                              (Summer  Serviu.)
               4     Do.      Nnssau, Hamilton,   As above             2,243  10 days to Halifax   Fortnightly (Tuesday)
                               Halifax                                                        for  Halifax  calling
                                                                                              fortnightly  at  Nas-
                                                                                              sau and Bermuda
                                                                                              (lVinttr Service.)
               ~---Do.        Montreal, direct   ~~.;.p;;;t?,~;C~      2,323  12 days        Fortnightly
                                                                                              (Sumnur Scrt~iu.)
               6      Do.     Halifax, direct        Do.               1,795  9 days         Fortnightly
                                                                                              (1VinU1' &rr~ice.)
                                                                      1    :--------------  I
               7  Elders and Fyffrs. ·I Bristol   --- - .-., I.ett_c_r _a__d_p_n_r_cc_l_ m_a_il_s_f_o_r_Grc_a_t_ 4,097 , 12! days   1 Weekly (Tuesday.)
                                              Britain,  Europe,  etc.
   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130   131   132   133