Page 120 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 120

AIR  MAIL.                      117

               Country of    Mails close   Approximate time of transmission from
              Destination.   in London.             London.
                  1              2                     3
            Sr1lmv. LEom:    Wed.        3 days  to  Freetown
            SOLOMON  Isi..ANDS            The  time  of  transmission  and  acceleration
                                          depend  upon  the  steamship  saitings  from
            SouTu  AFRICA    Twice a week.  5 days to Durban, 0 days to Capetown
              (Sec also N orthcrn or
             Southern Rhodesia)
                             Twice a week   5 days
            STRAITS SETTLEMENTS  Three times a   6 days to Singapore.
             AND MALAY STATES   week
            SUDAN            Three times a   3 days
            SYRTA            Weekdays    3 days to Beirut.
                              except Mon.
            TANGANYIKA       Twice a week.   4 days
            TRANSJORDAN      Weekdays    3 to 4 days to Amman.
          I                   except Tuesday.
            UGANDA (See KENYA AND  UGAIWA)   1} days to Tunis.
            UNION oF SoviET   Daily.     33  days to IrkutRk.
             SOCIALIST  REPliDLICS
          I ANZ!DAR         Twice a \Vcek.   4 days
   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125