Page 48 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
P. 48

          (b)  (if  a  manufactured  article)  to  the  extent  of  at  least  one-fourth  of  the
        present value of the goods bond-fide the manufacture of*...................\  . and that
        the final process of manufacture has been perfoimed at  ....................... aforesaid.
          Dated of..................................193  .
                                 .........................................   ................Sender.

       In  addition  to  this  tariff there  is  a  specific  or rated  tariff  which  is  levied  on  certain
     articles,  and also a  list  on  which no  duty is  collected  if the  goods  are  from the  countries
     named  above  and  on  which  5%  duty  is  levied  if otherwise; and an unreserved free list.
     For further information concerning rated, partially free, and whollv free articles reference
     should  be  made  to  a  schedule  of  Customs Tariffs.  In Appendix B  (page   ) a Table
     is  provided  showing  duty  levied  on  the  majority  of  articles usually imported through
      the medium of the Parcel Post.
                        Duty  Payable on  Repairs,  Etc.
       Articles  of  any  description  may  be  sent  away  from  the  island  and  re-admitted on
      payment  of  the  duty  on  the  cost,  if any, of  repairs,  dyeing  or  cleaning, or other altera­
      tion  or  adjustment,  on  the  following  conditions  being  complied  with:—
       1.  The exporter shall furnish the chief officer of Customs with notice,  and  with a suffi­
      cient  description  in  writing  of the articles  it  is  intended  to  send  away,  and  if  the  chief
      officer  of  Customs  shall  think  it  expedient,  the  article  shall  then  be  inspected  by  and
      shipped  under the  supervision  of the proper officer of Customs.
       2.  On the return of the article so exported, or on the return of  an article  not so exported
      but in respect of which it shall be established to the satisfaction of the chief officer that it
      is an article which had been exported from this island, such article may be delivered upon
      the  passing  of the  necessary  entries,  and  payment  of  duty,  on  the  cost  of  repair,  etc.
      if any,  which must be verified  by the production of an account  or in some other way to
      the satisfaction of the chief officer provided in every case that the identity of the article
      is established to  the satisfaction  of the  chief officer.
       3.  The parcel post being in the  majority of cases the  medium  through  which articles
      are returned to the island, Collectors at outports must furnish to the Collector of Customs
      at  Kingston a list of articles sent away to  be  returned as well as the description  of any
      articles  which  have  undergone examination  before being  sent  away  in  order  that  such
      description  may be recorded in a register kept  at  the  Post  Office  with  a  view to the iden­
      tification and admission duty free, or on payment of the duty on  the cost of repairs, etc.,
      if  any,  on  their  return  to  this  island.
                               Refund of Duty.
       Goods,  wares and merchandise upon which any duty  under Law  4 of  1925, shall have
      been  paid,  on  its  being proved  to  the satisfaction  of the  proper officer of  Customs  that
      a mistake has been made and that such goods are not the goods ordered by the importer
      and  that  such  goods  have  been  returned  to  the  exporter,  if  duly  exported  within  three
      months  of their  first  importation,  shall  receive  a  drawback  of  the  full  duties  paid  on
       The following are the regulations made by the Governor in Privy Council, for granting of
      such  drawback  on  goods  imported  by  Parcels  Post  and  re-exported  by  Parcels  Post:
            (a)  Submission  of  goods  intended  to  be  exported  to  a  Collector  or sub-Col-
               lector  of  Customs  or  a  Collector  or  Assistant  Collector  of  Taxes (or in
               Kingston  to  the  Parcels  Post  Clerk),  for examination shall be considered
                the equivalent of entry.
            (b)  Certificates  of examination shall be made by such officer, and recorded in a
               book at his office kept according to  Rule  17.
            (c)  If  the  original  Parcels Post Declaration is produced, it may be accepted in
               lieu of the original invoice.
            (d)  The  receipt  of  the  Post  Office shall be accepted as equivalent to a certifi­
               cate of shipment.
            (e)  The  exporter shall notify his intention to export any goods on drawback by
               Parcels  Post  on  the form D, and such form shall also serve as the voucher
               for the refund of the duties paid on importation.
         *Insert name of part of British Empire.
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