Page 9 - Jamaica Llandovery Falls
P. 9

·USA Mail
                                            TITCHFIELD (Hotel) Post Office

                  The Titch.field Hotel (near Port Antonio) opened a seasonal post office in 1903 and they
                  provided lodging for a postal clerk. The United Fruit Company owned the hotel. A three-
                  line date stamp started use in January 1903 but overtime the date type became worn and
                  distorted.  The  day  and  month  were  removed,  leaving  only  the  year  "03"  type  with
                  manuscript for the day and month. The 1903 season ended in May 1903. (Blue ink used)

                  TITCHFIELD JAMAICA  "10-2 (manuscript)-03" (type) via Port Antonio to
                  Reading, Penn.

                                                                                                          ft?~;J.-- 03
                                                                                                         JAMA BC A ..

                            TITCHFIELD (Hotel) Post Office 1904 Season (22.1.04 to 3.5.04)
                      The "03" type was removed and the date was written in for all of the 1904 season.
                  TITCHFIELD JAMAICA (manuscript) "29-1-04" via Port Antonio to Huntington, Penn.

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