Page 8 - Jamaica, Clarks Town - Anthony Wilkinson
P. 8


C'ar\:.s Town

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      This enve.(ope .front, t'Y\OHe.d to 1-tudd~.--.s field, En9\and at-
l~4· EW'p'ire. rate. Ot"\ .:Tanua,-,y 2o~k'·, 1q2.3„ show.s the "-f.
AfriCdt'\''.st~(.._ dal-e.stat'Y\p of Clark..'s Town.

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                                                THE AOORESS ONLY TO BE WRITTEN C

   c'\he. S<::lt'Y'\e. po~tt"'Y\af"'k of at""k's Town dote..d Morch 6~-, 1q26

On a ~~- po.s ta( stotion~r.:y c.ard .se.nt to Chi ca.90, a~ upt"af--

ed ..-o 1-!· .for .for~i9n posta9e..
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