Page 19 - Jamaica, Clarks Town - Anthony Wilkinson
P. 19


                 Cl a rk'sTown

,> \           ;.

-t'qervis Nelson ... „
\... ~ Hills r Dist r ic f .

  ~~larks TOWI\ P.O. . :--.


  WJ E0~a.,.f.t~i a IES "'
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      r. ')..

 „ A wr-Qppet" eevü to C\Qrk'"' To~n .fro.-n Derb.:y~ England.

 I was '2.V\do~s~d on the e „ No1- cal l e.d FOR '• i"" red

ßiro, and datestaWlp'2d with si~_g\e - ,.-j""9 " CLAl<~S TOWN/
JAMAICA" Single - rings (no'rophe.) on June.. 2S~ at'ld .Sep~
-e.Wlber 7~~- > l~Cl~l. The tr""ont- shows un.f1arned "Uf\JCLAfMED ".
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