Page 37 - Sutclifffe-APD_USArmy
P. 37

                                                                  U.S .  A~Hl STA7IONERY  AND

                                                                  INSTRUCTIONAL  liANDS'rA}-1PS.
                                                                            Type  "PS  3 ..

                                                             Air  mail  ehvelope,  24~  ~  l05mm,  witQ

                                                             ~<WAR D£'PARTMEN'J'"  in bloc'k  sans  se:ri£
                                                            iype,  43  x  3~~ at  the  ~op le~f,  with
                                                             iw-o  6olid  linei; below  J~nd  HOFFICIAL

                                                             8USINESS   11  •  in  small  sans  serif  t,y~e,
                                                             33  x  2~~,all ihe  wording  being  ih

                                                             blue.      'rh ere  is no  ~'PENAL't): l'
                                                             w."rninc  cla-use.
                                                             t:l<D:  6 .;:..j J.[q "':   ~J<:D:

                                                             Cover  trom  Fori -Simonds  to  ~-~pa
                                                             \'11th  M-USA  3  <hi er  of  i:be  6th  Marcn,
                                                             1944.  The  cover  also bears !H 1

                                                             hahds~a~p st~uck in  ~urple ihk.


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