Page 2 - Sutclifffe-APD_Military_RN-H-Force
P. 2

                                                 ROYAL  t{A V'f  - 1914  ..  1918 .
                                                            "H"  Force ..

                            Oft  tbe  outbreak  o£  ihe  first  World  War  the  Norin
                      American  and  West  Indies  Station  comprised  the  4~h  Cruiser
                      Squadron,  and  thl:s  fox-ce  was  r·e£'ontted  as  "H"  Force.                 The
                      more  modern  vessels  were  alloca t~d  to  more  a~ive theatres

                      of  war  a11d  l:.'he  :force  consisted  of  the  older  cruise rs,
                      armoured  c~uisers and  armed· Mercnant  cruisers.

                            "H"  Fo.l:ce t .s  iaBk  was  to  intercept  ettemy  shippin.g  in
                      Caribbean  and  to  hunt  down  and  destroy  the  naval  ships  o£
                      Central  Powers ;  later  in  the  war  "H"  ~orce  ships  had  also

                      to  act  as  convoy  escorts  and  combat  the  u~Boat ~enace.
                            From  -\:.ime  -to  t i me  tlJe  composition  of  "H"  Force  vari-e~

                      and  included  French  a nd  Australian  ~aval sh ips  as  well  as
                      tnose  of  ihe  Royal  Uavy.             ~any  of  these  vessels  called
                      at  ~smaica du~ing thair  tours  ot duty,  as  Well  as  other

                      naval.  vessels  not  specii'i-c.all.Y  part  of  "H"  Force ,                For
                      si mplic±i:.y.  however,  t.hese  lat.ter  5hip.s  have.  'been  included

                      be.l ow  as  if -they  were  P-art  ot  "!'i.,  :Force.
                            Admiralty  records  - wnicn  include  the  a~med ~e.rchant
                      cruisex-s  ..  lists b\.ot-e  ~han thirty  snips  as being  in  H''
                      Force  dur~~g ~ne  wa~,  ahd  w~~"  ~ossible pbotographs  ot
                      these  vessels  a~e showh  bQlow,  wi~h  sho~t details  oi eacn
                      Ghip.       t he  de~~ils name  the  snip;  class;  date  of  the

                      conunissioning  o::f.  fhe  ve.esel;  tonnage;  arman'le.nt  -and  number
                      of  crew, ~nd,  :£1na11~\ 5pee.d.
                           Covers  or  cards  1rom  so~e of  ihe  vessela  are  also  ~bow~

                      below,  wnere  ~hese have  been  identified  as  from  ~amaica.
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