Page 21 - Sutclifffe-APD_Patriotic
P. 21

                        I {- ..  I                         MILITA'RY      MAIL.
                                                         Foster  - N-"RH  _3 .
                             The  ihird  type  of  registration banrlstamp  is a  sLngle  line

                           Jrall!ted  mar.ki_ng,  65  x  161nrn_,  Wi.t1La  sans  se.rif'  R.' ,  10rnm
                             high ,  .an.d  "Nou,  in  101001  or  5mm sans  seri£  type_.               The
                             WOll:_d  "MIL1T.ABX  11 _,  also  in  sans  se.:rif  type,  5  x  ?7mm,  appears
                             to  the  rigbt.          The  marking  is  known  in  purple  in"k .
                                                                                                                         7  ...,  7 y-
                             fll<D~  tq I :i /lq71                            l.K]):  7l0-p;fl!f-JL


                                                     BY AIR  MAIL
                                                     PAR  AVION


                                                                                                  LTD.,  ~~~!!t:  •

                                                                                           l:EICESTER,                          ~

                                                                                                   ENGLAND.                     ~

                                                                                                         LE1  6GB               J'
                       ~  l   j  ~

                         t   TWo  covers  £rom  Kingston  "bea_i-ing  ~RH 3,  i'he  iop  c.over to
                             0ersey  and  franked  a~ 35c,  ihe  stamps oearing ~ingston

                             date r  of  i::ne  zoth  :rune,  1972.          The  1ower:  cov~r i _s  to
                             .Leicester,  £-rankedl  at 26c,  the  sta»tps  bei.Jtng  can.ce.ll.ed...:by

                              Kil'lgston ~ dla-ter  o£  the "'oth:Tttne.,  1972..
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