Page 9 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 9

A t.o & coll.a-t.ion.

                                          AOVZRTXSINO - ERRINGTON ' ~TIN, LONDON.

    By the early 1900's 3ta.p collec~ing• had beco.e popular aa a hobby. so much so that
many atamp dealer s had started extens i ve 1dver tiain9 and some, like ~he above tir.m,
Applied handataops to t he back of atamps to publicize their namta and addresses .

    The London fir. Errinqton i Martin ot South Hackney. N.£ . waa or.e of the first to
advertise extens ively and when sendin9 out approval booklets often enclosed a free gift
of stamps, aometi~e• includinq onee handstamped on the reverse with an advertisement.

    Htmbers ot the Cinderella Philatel i c Society have recorded 1ome 14 or more different
handttamps used by the above firm which they have desiqnated A to H and J to o. Whilat

not all these different handatarnpa a r e 1hown below those ahown are identif ied by t he
~letter• de11gnat1on given to thea by the Society.

    The examples s hown are mainly Jamaican stamps with the advertisement struck on the

rever•• in purple ink but •ome ot the a dvertisements are known ltruck in gr een or blue

inks. Becau•• o! t~·· size •~amp• of the Llandovery issue were parricularly adap~able to

~he addicion ot the adve rtisemen~s.

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             F.                                   sr..P •Lao•s

             i<; • .,...      J                    AT ALL PRIC. .
             ..UII~"' !
             &o'DIH .._ ,.. Lf. II•C.           • n.,JL\'O'~TI.U. :D .181

- -........  II,.Lwta.~~• U' lU'                ; .-on r•~

              POST u... ·.                      ; III,_,INI . ...

                          G.                         lONOON. H.E.


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