Page 311 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 311

'la)< Markings.

               '1l'fW ¥11( .1.1.
               :.Ol a:v~ AlJ.!>8!:'U ~nsNt

                                     LAWRENCE CL.ARK'

                                                                       P. 0. BOX 47267
                                                                                    MIAMI 47. FL.ORIDA. U.S.A.

l. f_gst.age Due 14 Conb
                                  "-relgn Sec., G.P.O., I'I.Y,

      Cover £rom Kines~n to Miami , u.S.A. which is unfranl<ed.

      beari.,g J'amaica. "T" and "4Z CErtTlMES" handsi:amps s'tX"Uc'k .in
      pul"ple in'k. It bears kingstoh slogan daiel" ot> the 22nd
      J"uly, 1960, and £ran.ed "I!ISUFF!CIBNTI.l:' 'PAil> POR/
      TRAI!.SM!SSION .BY AIR MAlL" handstall)p struck in pu\"ple ink

     and u.s. "Postage Due 14 cents/Foreign Sec., G.P.O., N.x.•

      handstamp alsB ~n purple ink.
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