Page 300 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 300

Ta~ Ma.t-kii'I&S·

~ew 1970's t3x ~~k b~i~g the 1950' • sinvote lined oquared ~arkihg
Z4 x 24•"" with lne "T" 11\ar"k retained l.ui wi'\:h tne ""ount of tax

due removtd and iMtel!d of a kandst3thped figure a "'""'" •eript

c'harge adde<l.

Hevd. H. " · Davey ,  I.D.
Bayton Vicar age ,

KIDDERl.I lll:>T2R ,

lforcestershi re ,
IJY14 9LP,

Cove):" fro"' silent Hill to Kiddell'til'i ste~ :fr"n"ked a! 5d wit"h

K1 <l:derl'll nisi: er TllO nottdsia..p o:!' t)ze 24th :run<>1 1972. 'r"be

cover \e~rs -t!ta "<~quare" hand$hmp wltn rnanll£cript "2/9" and

snails ·traces Df the re..oved value. Uhited Klngdom tax ...rk:in~

rlrucK. :in areen inl< ,.;-1:\z \Cicdq.,."l.nta-ler da:~e.r o:£ ihe st1,,

L972. a(l.d 2d Post aS" nu e. ..~""'P .
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