Page 294 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 294

'l'ax )tlrl<i n~s.

Win~ow cover te an un~nokn destination w!tn kingeton date~ ot

i'he l$th August, 1961 . The cover bc3r8 Ty}>4 D 96: h<>ndsta..p

w'hicb h..a bll<>n ""el"dod; it boare i119nuscripb "14" ip ·blue Croyo/1
"'i th the h•ndsl:..•r ' s "30" obliierwl:od. LiHl,Q is 110~ l<no\olr1 of

tllose a111encil!d "'a.rks, but a~<>ndt~en-t s ore recorded to ·the 11, 14

end 30 eenB tn~s ''values" .
   289   290   291   292   293   294   295   296   297   298   299