Page 282 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 282

Jl.iBB !.{ . Jlal !!C S '

                             40 llu ro vwoO(l
                                 Lonuo. ,


Cover i'rom J(unro CollegQ -l:o "London i'rankeil a-t 2\{d wi th ttunro
CoUeg" dateY o£ t'he 9th Apdl, 1958. The sender iniendlld -!:he

1 eHer io go by o!nna!l, but ss i i ~6 iqsa·Uic.i.err\:ly tranl<e<t
for t'h3t pur~o~ i t ""'s -l:axed, i!.e covet: bearing "Jll~AlcJI 'l'"
.•ntl •4 Ci£N7l~€S" 1J andsta~<~ps s-hrucl< ih purple inK. M i:ne

tranl<inl! """ .5\J!ficient the co'lter """ GUb<>eCJ,.,ently sent by .sea
an.d the "" 'hal\datal!lps were «tncelled by ~reen hanilst1ln,p.s.
'rhes• handtrt•"'ll" wore a sbndard mal'l<i11g u sed l;!y the J'l:>st OUice
-lo "cancel" mD<king.s .,hic'h were not reqwired.
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