Page 246 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 246

faken out of tetter~ox .

~;f,-;""A N8 .! C 8 ZIP#W 't">


~e«iste~ed cover from Soho to Chicago, U.S.A. endorsed

"T.O.I..:B." (Taken Out of Letter :BoJt) in penciL rranked

at 20c, -!:he stamps are cancelled by Sono "T'RD" of the 5ih

April, 19721 -\:.he reverse bearing the same marking tog-ether
with Morant ~Y single ci~cle dater and Seafo~th double

ci~cle da-l:.ers of the same daie. The reverse also bears

Chicago daters o£ ihe 8tb ahd lOth April, 1972 struck in

   241   242   243   244   245   246   247   248   249   250   251