Page 16 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 16

A to Z Collacti on .

                                                                             AI R. ~IL.

    United Frui~ Company cover to the U.S.A. franked a~ 9d with United Fruit Company dater
ot 13 March 1935 with s1n91e line or·nate !ra~r.e , 17 x so~. $.nd within AlR MAIL in
black block sans ser if type, 8 x 38r.~.

    Regis~ered cover vo england frankod ~t 11~ with Li9uane~ datec of 10 Dece~c 1938
with ~ntra~ed REGISTERED, 4 X 32mm/AIR MAIL, ~ X 2~, in black block serif type •


.AIR MAlL   No 1741

~. Looter Akroyd ,

          )~ , Grcerrv.•ay Ro~d.

                    Bradford, Yorkti .,

   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21