Page 397 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 397

Jamaica Registration: Notice to Collect.

            A printed form notifying the addressee that two registered packets were detained because customs
            duty was payable.
            This form shows a printing date of 1.4.89, but another date is known. No 93 is the P.O. form number.
            The paper is watermarked GOVERNMENT OF,  and was probably produced at the Government
            Printer. The form ends ‘FRED. SULLIVAN, Postmaster for Jamaica’, but his name is deleted and the
            letter is signed by Geo. H. Pearce, who succeeded Mr Sullivan in 1890.

                  Addressed to L W Winckler & Co, Kingston.
                  Handstamp ‘ON POST OFFICE BUSINESS / FREE / JAMAICA’.
                  Kingston: 24 June 92.                                             Ex Swarbrick.
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