Page 382 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 382

Jamaica Registration

                Money Letters remained the means of posting valuables, especially within Jamaica, into the  1850s. It becamE
                registration in 1841, and registration outward from Jamaica to  Great Britain was introduced in  1850. However
                introduction of GB adhesives in  1858, registration was used both for letters to  Great Britain and internally in p
                The Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately records only 11  registered covers with GB stamps, the earliest on 1

                     A reunited, registered entire, sent internally
                         from Old Harbour to Kingston, 1859.

                    Franked at the top right with  1 s 4d postage
                    (four times the 4d rate for up to 60 miles, for
                    the 25 miles from Old  Harbour to  Kingston).

                    Old Harbour: A61;
                                 13 May 59.

                    Kingston: 14 May 59.

                    The explanations and instructions are
                    clustered in the left half, where the registration
                    is kept separate from the postage:
                     ·"On Service", "Posf', "Money Letter'', "Paid'
                     and "Registered'.
                     · 6d adhesive paying the registration fee.

                    The note inside is to the  Receiver General       1·
                    from T.  Ludford, clerk of the Vestry of St
                    Dorothy's parish, enclosing "£48.3. 7 for duties
                    received during the last month,  with
                    particulars thereof'.


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                                                                          Left half: ex McGowan; Hooton Mitchell; Hart; Mahfood.
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