Page 345 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 345

Jamaica: Location Postmarks

      Single and Double Ring
                                                      Double Ring

      From 1892 a new style of postmark was introduced at Kingston and Post Towns with a double ring surrounding the information.

                                                      Savannah La Mar
                        In 1897, the Post Office at Savannah La Mar must have run out of ½d / 2½d adhesives,
                                and endorsed the letter ‘Pd ½’ to confirm the shortage had been paid.
                               At Kingston, the Jamaica Paid mark was applied (latest recorded use).

                                At Sav La Mar                                      At Boston
                            Double ring of 5 Apr 1897                    Flag m/c cancellation of 14 Apr 1897
                                   m/s ‘Pd ½’

                                 At Kingston                                     At New York
                           D59 double ring of 7 Apr 1897                      P.O.N.Y of 14 Apr 1897
                       ‘JAMAICA PAID’ of 7 Apr 1897 (LKD)
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