Page 13 - Jamaica Military & Patriotic Mail
P. 13
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World War 11 Naval Censor Handstamp

Only one true type of naval censorship handstamp has been recorded as being used in Jamaica in the Second
World War.

Undated (25th January)
Airmail Cover from the Naval Office, Kingston to Havana, Cuba

An airmail cover sent by Lieutenant Commander Lewis of the Naval Office, Kingston, Jamaica (endorsed on
the reverse) to Havana, Cuba. Franked with stamps to the value of ninepence, cancelled by a Kingston
circular datestamp with the year plug omitted.


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The front of the cover bears a strike of the "tombstone" Passed by Censor marking of the Royal Navy signed
by Lieut. Commander Lewis.

On arrival in Cuba the cover also received a large circular handstamp of the Postal Censorship department of
the Ministry of Defence.
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