Page 23 - Farrimond Jamaica Miscellany
P. 23


                                            Postal history up to UPU membership
                                                            Packet mail

                                            Steamship letters to the United States of America

                                   1866 Cover from Kingston to Gorham, New York

                                                                                                   A single rate packet
                                                                                                    letter sent at the four
                                                                                                    pence American
                                                                                                   steamship rate from


                                                    · /~_,

                                                                                                   Kingston: A01  numeral
                                                                                                   duplex cancel of 7 July
                                                                                                   New York:  Circular
                                                                                                   Steamship 10 cents
                                                                                                   postage due marking
                Provenance: ex Wood

                 From  1866  the  four  pence  steamship  rate  was  paid  to  the  operator  of the  packet,  and  indicated  by  a  "4"
                 manuscript accountancy mark.  In May 1868 the Jamaica Post Office Law authorized a charge for inland postage
                 on  packet mail posted or delivered in  Kingston which  up  until that date had enjoyed an  exceptional exemption
                 from such charges.

                                                  1870 Cover from Kingston to Marblehead, Massachusetts

               Packet letter carried                •
               on the RMSP Neva to
               Colon (Canal Zone,
               Panama), from where
               it was carried to New
               York by an American
               steamer, probably of
               the Aspinwall Line

               Kingston: A01  numeral
               duplex cancel of 21
               November 1870
               Also accountancy "4" in
               red crayon
               Colon: Single ring eds of
               23 November 1870
               New York: N.Y. Steamship
               "1 o· single ring eds of 11
               December (1870) for the
               10 cents postage due for
               US inland postage
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