Page 14 - Farrimond Jamaica Miscellany
P. 14


                                             Postal history up to UPU membership
                                                            Inland mail

                 After Jamaica  took over control  of her own  Post Office  on  1st August  1860,  Jamaican  postage stamps were
                 made available for prepayment of postage from 23rd November 1860.  However, prepayment of inland postage
                 did not become compulsory until 1 st January 1872.
                 Until  1862  the  inland  letter rate  for  up  to  a  half ounce  remained  the  same  is  it  had  been  previously:  4d  for
                 distances up to 60 miles, 6d from 60 to 100 miles and 8d for over 100 miles.

                                            Inland letters (up to 60 miles and over 100 miles)

                                1861  Entire letter from Kingston to Mandeville

                                                                                           An unpaid letter rated 4d for
                                                                                           distances of up to 60 miles

                                                                                                  Kingston to
                                                                                              Mandeville is 58 miles

                                                                                           Kingston:  K8 double arc datestamp
                                                                                           of 12 September 1861  on the back
                                                                                           Also manuscript "4" in blue crayon
                                                                                           indicating the payment due
                                                                                           Mandeville:  PB double arc
                                                                                           datestamp of 13 September 1861
                                                                                           (  s· "1" missing) on the back

                                                         1861  Cover from Flint River to Spanish Town

              An irregular strip of four
              two pence stamps paid the
              eight pence half ounce
               letter rate for distances of
              over 100 miles

                Flint River to Spanish
                  Town is 115miles

              Flint River:  A40 numeral
              obliterators in brownish ink
              Also an indistinct P11  circular
              datestamp of 25 November
              1861  in the same brownish
              ink ("25" added by hand)
              Spanish Town:  P11a single
              ring eds of 27 November 1861
                                                                                                    Provenance: ex Wood
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